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Going Green With Your Business

If you own a business, it is most likely like your baby. You care for it, grow it and make sure it is thriving and producing. It’s a lot of hard work. Your customers’ trust and loyalty are something you value a great deal. Going green in your business is a valuable decision for many reasons.

  • It is environmentally friendly.
  • It makes a statement to your customers and clients that you care.
  • It can save you money.

There are many ways you can go green at your business. You can go paperless, which helps reduce landfill waste. You can increase online work to reduce your business footprint. Provide reusable water bottles and mugs for customers and employees. Have recycling bins available to dispose waste. Use energy-saving power strips. Incorporate living plants to improve your air quality and ensure that you have energy saving settings on electronics.

If you’re thinking about making a transition to being greener at your business, why not begin by incorporating one small step each month. Every little thing you do makes a big difference.

One other way you can help your business go green is by using the sun’s energy to heat your water for your commercial property. Solene solar panels can reduce your heating bill by up to 85%. They also can reduce CO2 emissions and other toxins created by traditional water heating systems, thereby protecting the environment.

To install Solene solar panels at your commercial property, you can count on our professionals from Absolute Best Plumbing to do the job well and with as little disruption to your business as possible.

Call Absolute Best Plumbing today.

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