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Author: admin

Save Money and the Environment with Solene Solar Panels

We all want to do our part when it comes to the environment, but the price of solutions like solar panels can be an expensive and scary investment. Solene solar water-heating panels use entirely different technology than most solar panels and can help you save a lot of money from day one. What Makes Solene […]

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Time to Talk Tankless in Orlando

Water heaters might not be on top of your conversation list, but saving space, money and the planet might be. So, tankless water heaters are definitely worth thinking about – and talking about – at your house. What is a Tankless Water Heater? Tankless water heaters are a space-saving, money-saving upgrade to your plumbing system […]

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What Are the Top Two Most Common Plumbing Emergencies?

Most of us will never have the nightmare of our ceiling bursting open with a cascade of water exploding from the bathroom above. That’s good; but did you know an overflowing bathroom toilet is one of the most common reasons people need an emergency plumber? Overflowing Toilet or Sink It sounds cliché, but the most-listed […]

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Should I Use Solar Panels in Florida?

Florida is the land of sunshine, so solar panels can be a smart add-on to your home. The essential step in the process of deciding if you should invest in solar panels is to talk to a certified professional trained in all phases of solar panels, from installation to maintenance to repair. An authorized solar […]

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Some of the Strangest Obstructions Found in Plumbing

Ask any plumber about the strangest blockages found in toilets, pipes and sewer lines and you will hear countless extraordinary accounts. Although plumbing systems are pretty straightforward in their intended use, foreign objects often find their way into the mix. In most cases, kids and even pets are the most likely culprits. However, adults are […]

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Septic Tank Backup Warning Signs

If you notice three or more of these signs, you might want to call a plumber to take a look. Don’t just go to bed and assume it will be better in the morning. An unexpected heavy rainfall during the night could make a mess you won’t want to clean up. Although one or two […]

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Drain Field FAQ

Septic systems are made up of two main parts: the septic tank and the drain field. While much focus is typically geared toward the septic tank (i.e., how often you need to have it pumped, what you can safely flush down the toilet, etc.), there are important things that you should know about your drain […]

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Plumbing Considerations For a Remodel

Many people have undertaken remodeling projects throughout the last year. With the COVID-19 pandemic keeping us all at home, it was easy to find things at home to “work on.” Bathroom remodels are very popular home projects. Many people want their bathrooms to feel like an oasis – a place to relax and wind down […]

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Time For a New Toilet? Here’s How To Tell.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the toilet is an essential fixture inside your home. We are long past the days of using out-houses, and we don’t know any families that want to choose that option for their home. Because you rely on your toilet multiple times a day and it is usually reliable, it […]

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Top Ways To Save Water

After the doozy that 2020 was to all of us across the globe, we are learning to save and conserve necessities more than ever. Toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and meat were all scarce at some point in the last year, making Americans stop and consider different ways they can save in other areas as well. […]

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